Unlock Your Team's Relational Potential

Use granular insights to get the team and management on the same page and performing well with TeamEQ™

Rooted in the groundbreaking work of Viola Spolin in the 1920s, our innovative assessment tool goes beyond current assessment offerings an pinpoints where your team’s strengths and weaknesses lie, providing tailored strategies for potential resolution and greater performance.


How well do you understand the factors influencing your team's daily productivity?


How do staff behave within different teams?


How do your team's perceptions of its capabilities align with yours?


What are the next steps they need to take to become the best team they can?

TeamEQ™ is a data-driven team survey assessment tool that simplifies people management by providing actionable insights.

By analysing anonymous data from respondents, it pinpoints where immediate improvement is needed. Rooted in decades of research on applied improvisation, creativity, and neuroscience, include the groundbreaking work down by Dr Charles Limb in 2012, TeamEQ™ leverages proven principles to foster high-performing teams.

Snapshot of Team Health: Data-Driven Insights

TeamEQ™ goes beyond surface-level assessments to provide a granular analysis of specific team dynamics of your teams.

By examining behaviors from four distinct perspectives, we uncover sensitive issues such as lack of trust or unresolved conflicts and others that can hinder performance of your specific team.

Our data-driven insights offer a deeper understanding of your team’s daily operations and the nuances of how people work together, helping you identify specific areas for improvement.

Empower Your Team to Succeed

TeamEQ™ helps leaders:

  • Understand team dynamics: Gain insights into how the team functions as a whole, including strengths and weaknesses.
  • Analyse individual contributions: See how team members assess themselves and their contribution is to the health and productivity of the team.
  • Identify areas for improvement: See where your leadership and influence is most needed and identify areas for improvement so teams can work together more effectively.
  • Identify alignment mismatches: Compare your perception of the team’s performance with their own self-assessment to uncover any discrepancies.
  • Make informed decisions: Bring those discrepancies into alignment, so you are on the same page with your team.

By understanding not only how individuals think and act (as seen in the screenshot to the right), but also how the team collectively functions and perceives their own performance and relationships.

And you can empower your team to make more far-reaching and effective changes and reach its full high performance potential.

Enhance Your Existing Assessment Tools

TeamEQ™ complements tools like DiSC® by providing deeper insights into team interactions beyond individual traits.

Future-Orientated Insights

By understanding how current team dynamics may impact future outcomes, we recommend a set of competencies and targeted/ actionable recommendations to move your teams forward.

Internal Benchmarking and New Solutions

Benchmarking against past performance and other teams across multiple metrics can reveal previously unseen patterns and enable data-driven decision-making.

Integration with Training

TeamEQ™ is part of our AIaaS methodology, offering tools for implementing recommendations and sustaining long-term improvements.

Strengthen your Strategies

TeamEQ’s ‘Next Steps’ section provides tailored guidance for team leaders to optimise performance, based on attribute results and expectation gains.

More Effective Performance Reviews

TeamEQ™ enables managers to conduct effective performance reviews, set targeted goals, and appreciate employee strengths.

Step 1

Take the TeamEQ™ Assessment

Decision-makers choose the attributes they desire your team to cultivate. e.g. ‘conflict resolution’,   ‘performance and productivity’ etc. Each respondant answers 20 questions each. Then we crunch the data, pinpoint trends and compare outcomes.

Step 2

Receive Your Personalised Insights

Decision-makers receive a team dynamics report that identifies critical issues, opportunities for growth, and gap between  expectations and performance.

Step 3

Apply Your Insights to your Work Life

Use the recommendations to align your team towards improved communication, collaboration, and problem-solving skills.

Step 4

Continuous Improvement and Futher Training

And to create change quicker and lock in recommendations, we offer customised face-to-face training through our IAaaS. Each month or quarter, we can track your team’s progress to ensure progress stays on track.

Ready to transform your team?

Take the first step towards transforming your communication and teamwork. Discover how TeamEQ™ can help you and your team achieve greater success.

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